Newborn Baby Grayson

mother and father skin to skin with newborn baby boy

Lets talk about sleep !
Being a mom of three babies, I have learnt a trick or two that really helps me when I photograph newborns. These tips can help new moms, and also baby photographers.
Keep the room really dark. Newborns have short sleep cycles, so the less we do to disrupt them, the better.
I also like to play a lot of white noice to replicate the womb. I have a white noise player and a baby shusher. Lastly, keep those babies warm - this tip is more for the photographers. I keep my studio anywhere from 78-80 degrees warm. Moms can swaddle babies to keep them comfortable. I find when I have a super fussy baby, the best thing for me to do is wrap them up and replicate what it was like in mamas belly ! Baby boy Grayson wasn’t in love with the naked table poses, but once I got him dressed in the little knit outfit, or swaddled him, it was nighty night !


Baby girl Harlowe


Carla’s Studio Maternity Session