Our services

  • Pregnant woman in green maternity gown standing with her husband in the snow cuddled up together

    Outdoor Maternity

    45 Minute outdoor session
    Location within Chatham Kent
    30-40 digital images

  • twin newborns wrapped in grey with matching grey hats, laying in a basket on a wooden backdrop


    Mini Newborn - $375 

    60 minutes

    Newborn only

    8 digital images


Luxury Newborn
    1-3 hours
Newborn, family, sibling shots

    15 digital images

  • pregnant woman laying on her back in a big purple maternity gown

    Studio Maternity

    Mini Maternity
    $ 375 

    45 minute session

    mother only

8 digital images

    Luxury Maternity

    1.5 hours
mother, couple, mother and child

    14 digital images